The Holy City Of Mecca Full Of Mysticism

This city, which is located in the west of Saudi Arabia, is the holiest city of the Muslim religion. Despite being a small city it is filled every year with millions of visitors for the hajj, a Muslim pilgrimage. It’s a tradition that all the able practicing Muslims should visit The Holy City of Mecca at least once in their life time.

The importance of this city comes from the fact that Muhammad, an Islamic prophet, was born here. Also, it was here where he had the first revelation of the Quran, the central religious book of the Islam, which Muslims believe to be a revelation from God.

The fact that it is the most sacred place for the Muslims makes this place forbidden for non-Muslims. They enforce this with a lot of checkpoints in the major access ways and police check points to the tourist. Some people try to visit pretending to be Muslim, saying an Islamic name, being accompanied with several other Muslims; however, if they are caught the violators can spend a month or two in jail. So, you have been warned.


If you still decide to visit Mecca here are some recommended places to visit:

Masjid al-Haram



This is the largest mosque in the world and the place where Muslims worship their God. It is surrounded by the Kaaba which is the Islam’s holiest place. Here is where all the pilgrims perform their daily prayers. With 88.2 acres it can accommodate up to two million people during the hajj.

The “Quran Gate”



This structure marks the point where non-Muslims are not allowed to cross. It’s the entrance to the birthplace of Muhammad (Makkah). It was designed in 1979 by Samir Elabd, an Egyptian Architect. It represents the book of Quran resting on a book stand.

Zamzam Well



According to Islamic legend this is a miraculously-generated source of water from God.   According to the tale, a mother and her baby where left in the desert and when the newborn boy was on the brink of death an angel descended to them. The angel kicked the ground and the water started to flow and has been flowing ever since. Millions of pilgrims each year visit the well in order to get the chance to drink from its water, which is said to have healing powers.


Mecca is a place with a lot of meaning for those practicing the Muslim religion and should therefor remain holy according to them. This is the reason non-Muslims are not able to enter the city.