Pirates Week on the Cayman Islands

Pirate’s week is held the first 11 days of November on the Cayman Islands. The locals wait eagerly to days before to experience an environment totally nautical and mysterious, full of street dances, games, food, local drinks, amazing parades, plays, and fireworks.


This important week on the Cayman Islands is celebrated to remember the days when the pirates visited the ports and hid in this paradise. Children are mainly those who enjoy the attractions of this holiday, thanks to different attractions of the street fairs and different competitions. One of the most important competitions in this celebration is the national competition of songs, which is celebrated at the beginning of the week. Accompanying this contest, a grand opening party is held, as well as a pirate costume contest and the crowning of the queen of the festival.




Among the fun and exciting attractions, is the “pirate invasion”, which takes place the first Saturday of the week. This event starts in the sea, where two crews are ready to take the port of George Town and “capture” its governor. This event is spectacular and adds great value to the already beautiful Caribbean.




In addition to amazing parties be held in the month of November, these beautiful islands offer different performances and experiences throughout the year. This is a luxurious tourist destination, since it has hundreds of attractions to enjoy during the day and night, such as beaches, rainforests, amazing restaurants and nightclubs, lots of music, and the best parties for all travelers.