Jerusalem, The Most Visited City Around The World

This tough city has survived two destructions, 52 attacks and 44 captures and recaptures. Although this might sound like a lot of violence for this small city, it is because of the importance of this city to its various world religions. Jerusalem is divided in 4 major quarters: Armenian, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim.
According to the bible stories, this city was first conquered by King David and years later his son King Solomon was the one who built the first temple and it was around that time Jesus Christ was crucified in this same city. Since this is a very historic site, especially for the Jews, a lot of synagogues are built here so that the Holy Ark is facing Jerusalem.
Despite the cities violent history it is a beautiful place to visit. This city is home to a lot of natural sights, museums and wonderful architectural structures.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre


In the Christian quarter you can find this stunning church which is said to be the place where Jesus Christ was crucified, buried and resurrected. This being the reason why this is one of the most popular places of pilgrimage for Christians all around the World.
This medieval looking church was the place where many crusades originated. The importance of this building for non-believers is purely the magnificent architecture and the history behind the walls of this house of prayer.

Tower of David

This ancient citadel is located on the outskirts of Jerusalem. This edification has been there since the Ottoman period. Right now it serves as a museum, with the chambers transformed into exhibitions of the artifacts found right there on site. This place has a large archeological value since many artifacts dating back over 2,000 years ago have been found here.
This is a wonderful and amazing place to wander around and to get lost in the past of early modern human history.

Gihon Spring



Also known as the Fountain of the Virgin, the Gihon Spring is the main source of water for the city of David (the original site of Jerusalem). This spring made it possible to settle for the first people who arrived here. Since modern days the park, “Garden of the King”, was constructed so the waters of Gihon can flow along their natural course.
Jerusalem is home to one of the world’s most dominant religions. The city holds a lot of mysticism and history throughout its streets. It is a spectacular place to visit and to get lost in.