New year in New York

New year’s eve celebrations tend to be very expected in any part of the world and are now very close. The destination par to excellence to enjoy a good new year celebration is New York. With more than a hundred years of traditions, New York is home to several traditional events to bid farewell to the old year. Discover what these traditional festivities are and more details about them in this article.


Undoubtedly, the most famous tradition to bid farewell to the year in New York is the fall of the “grand ball” from Times Square. In 1907, the offices of the New York Times were located at the intersection of 42nd street and Broadway. To celebrate the arrival of the year 1908, the directors of this gazette were sent to build a large sphere, which became a symbol of the celebrations of the end of the year and New York City.




Each year, at 6:00 pm, people begin to agglomerate in Times Square to see the ball drop in the intersection of these streets. One minute before the new year the sphere begins to descend and the excitement of the countdown invades the public. When the “grand ball” goes down completely and the count comes to an end, the New Yorkers kiss their partners passionately to welcome the new year.


This celebration is attended by close to a million people and millions more witness it via television. This is why it is recommended to arrive many hours in advance to the event to ensure a good place. In some nearby streets there are big screens placed so that no one is left without witnessing this act.


This is the most famous celebration in New York. In Central Park, athletes and visitors gather at midnight to welcome the new year with a marathon. The organizers offer drinks, a great dance floor, and an impressive fireworks show for all of those wishing to spend the end of the year doing sports.




Brooklyn also offers a large show for those who want to celebrate the arrival of the new year at the famous bridge. The annual trek of the Brooklyn Bridge where people cross the bridge to Manhattan to watch the fireworks with an amazing view. This event is truly unique and very romantic. It is possible to bring alcoholic beverages to celebrate in the streets until you reach one of the thousands of bars, clubs, or restaurants that receive customers overnight in New York.


These are just some of the thousands of options that New York offers to visitors at the end of the year. Remember that this destination, as well as others, is very busy and it is necessary to make reservations in advance to ensure a place in any event you wish to attend as well as in lodging.